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The story of Mick's March...

In the 1980s and 1990s Police Constable Mick Shone ran the Chichester Police Volunteer Cadet Corp (VCC).


In the summer of 1988, with the aid of the VCC, he organized a 1000 mile walk at the Chichester Police Station playing fields for the Hayley White Appeal, raising money to pay for a young local girl to have a major liver operation that at the time could only be carried out abroad. The secondary objective and challenge of this walk was to try and create a new world record and entry into the Guinness Book of Records.


The walk involved four of the VCC walking in relay, each covering 25 miles a day for 10 days, hence the total of 1000 miles. This approximated to each walking a marathon a day for ten days. The walk was completed in 241 hours 31 minutes and 34 seconds. This was accepted by Guinness as a new world record and a large sum of money was raised for this appeal.


Mick created such a strong bond and comradeship between many of the cadets that most have kept in touch ever since.


Mick's influence, guidance and support was pivotal for many of them. They, and many others who knew Mick, were shocked by his death in November 2015.


To commemorate Mick’s life and many charitable achievements, a former Police college of Mick’s and former  VCC leader Andy Kyte has got together with many of the former VCC cadets (including one of the original walkers - now the local vicar!) They have decided to replicate the challenge and try to equal the 1000 mile record again,. This time raising money for The Sussex Snowdrop Trust which was a cause close to Mick’s heart when he was Mayor of Chichester for two years and the Aldingbourne Primary School PTA where the event is being held.

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